FISHER ART 是BIGFISH旗下的当代艺术机构,于2021年在深圳成立,并在法国设有办事处,旨在支持最具启发性的视觉艺术家,以最具视觉吸引力的艺术作品引导大众进行艺术参与,推动大众对当代艺术的欣赏和理解。
FISHER ART Agency 致力于通过展览和艺术活动促进知名品牌、国际画廊和博物馆、中国地方政府和文化部门与艺术家之间有意义和有影响力的合作,支持视觉艺术家更全面的职业发展和探索艺术多元合作实践。我们利用多年的社交媒体营销经验帮助艺术家传播自己,旨在增加曝光率和寻找新机会。
FISHER ART Agency 通过全球范围内的合作,鼓励中国当代艺术超越国界进入全球对话,特别是促进中法艺术文化之间的交流,为双方艺术家提供合作和发展有益、持久联系的平台。并努力培育国际艺术家爱好者和收藏家社区。
FISHER ART Agency is the contemporary art platform under BIGFISH, founded in 2021 in Shenzhen with an office in France, aiming to support the most inspiring artists and bring art to everyone’s life, promoting the public understanding and enjoyment of contemporary art through appealing visual artworks.
FISHER ART Agency is committed to supporting the fuller career development of visual artists by facilitating meaningful and impactful collaborations between prominent brands, international galleries, and museums, local governments and cultural departments throughout China, and artists through exhibitions and art events. We leverage our years of experience in social media marketing to help artists promote themselves, aiming at increasing exposure and sourcing new opportunities.
FISHER ART is working with global organizations and cities to encourage the advancement of contemporary Chinese arts beyond its borders.FA is particularly invested in nurturing China-France cultural exchanges, creating a platform for artists from both sides to collaborate and develop beneficial, long-lasting connections. We are nurturing our international community of art lovers and collectors.

对于由我们筛选并由机构代理的艺术家,FISHER ART支付展览费用、销售作品、实施文化和品牌(商业)、画廊、博物馆、中国政府和文化机构合作伙伴关系,支持艺术家新兴创作和创造力。并提供社交传播和媒体曝光,帮助艺术家增加曝光率和寻找新机会。
For Artists
For artists selected by our independent committee and represented by agencies, FISHER ART pays exhibition fees, sells works, implements cultural and brand (commercial), gallery, museum, Chinese government and cultural institution partnerships, and supports emerging artists and creativity. And provide social communication and media exposure to help artists increase exposure and find new opportunities. Excellence
For Brand Partnerships
Art can add value to a brand, whether as part of conveying brand culture, brand art exhibitions, or as part of an advertising campaign, integrated into product design, advertising images, art installations, etc.
Whatever the purpose of the project, we can provide customized cultural and artistic activities.
Through talent management, two-way communication of creativity, helping brands achieve project goals, and free creation based on artists. Promote continuous cooperation between artists and brands.
FISHER ART 帮助当地政府和文化部分定制展览、公共艺术节和艺术装置等公共文化艺术活动。帮助推动公共艺术参与、公众艺术教育,增加公众对不同形式的艺术作品的欣赏和理解。
For local governments and cultural departments
The arts should be enjoyed by all because of their ability to inspire, drive sustainable economic development and enhance the well-being of all of us. FISHER ART helps local governments and cultural departments customize public cultural and artistic events such as exhibitions, public art festivals and art installations. Help promote public art participation, public art education, and increase public appreciation and understanding of different forms of art works.
For Collectors
We are building a strong community of art collectors, leading collectors to invest in the work and careers of our artists. We help collectors acquire new work from the world’s best-emerging artists. They benefit from personalized art advisory, meet with our artists, and have access to bespoke special events and private studio tours.

– 支持最具启发性的视觉艺术家更全面的职业发展,并帮助艺术家传播自己;
– 展示最具视觉吸引力和启发性的展览、艺术活动、讲座等;
– 开发最具视觉吸引力、实用性、功能性和的艺术创作;
– 开发启发性,共鸣性和和视觉吸引力的当代艺术收藏的同时,寻找明天的杰作;
– 吸引和授权更广泛、包容的受众,努力培育国际艺术家爱好者和收藏家社区;
– 促进全球范围内的艺术交流,激发公开对话和共识。
– Support the more comprehensive career development of the most inspiring visual artists and help artists communicate themselves.
– Present the most visually appealing and inspiring exhibitions, art events, lectures, etc.;
– Develop the most practical and visually appealing artistic life creations;
– To develop an inspiring, resonant and visually appealing collection of contemporary art while looking for tomorrow’s masterpieces.
– Attract and empower a broader, inclusive audience, striving to foster an international community of artist lovers and collectors.
– Promote artistic exchange on a global scale, stimulating open dialogue and consensus.