The Elephant Wanders Around Dreams






“在梦游的象”,是一场由12多位艺术家与设计师共同营造的多层梦境,绘画、装 置、影像、雕塑、服装、互动等多样的表达形式结合复杂的空间场域,观者的身体 在移步换景中出神,如同跟随一只无法看见全貌的大象在梦与梦之间游走。我是在 它的梦里,还是我就是大象本身?潜意识里的象,随着身体的移动投射到目之所及 的环境中。似梦,非梦。似象,非象。

“The Elephant Wanders Around Dreams” is a complex field of multiple dreams jointly constructed by 12 artists and designers with various expressions like painting, installation, video, sculpture, cloth, interaction, etc. Stepping inside the exhibition feels like that there has a vague elephant guiding the audience to move through dreams as being lost in thoughts and landscapes during moving. Am I being in the dream of the elephant, or am I the elephant itself? The elephant of the subconscious projects onto the environment where the eyes wander. Is it a dream or not? It is beyond a dream. Is it an elephant or not? It is beyond an elephant.